Moving To The Big City? Tips For Moving Into Your New Apartment

Have you recently accepted a job in a big city and now need to pack up and move? If so, you may not be prepared about what you should do. Moving out of suburbia and to a different state can be intimidating, but if you know these tips it will make it all go smoothly.

Find Out What the Building's Moving Days Are

It is common for huge apartment buildings in the city to have a separate service elevator that is specifically for people moving in. Getting your stuff into the building is not as simple as parking out front and using the main elevator in the lobby.

You'll want to contact the company that manages the property and find out where you need to go the day you move into the building You may be limited to a specific time of the day if other tenants are moving on the same day, and you'll want to coordinate these times with your moving company.

The last thing you want to happen is have your movers show up and wait around until it is clear to use the elevator.

Label Everything and Create an Inventory

You will want to make sure that everything makes it to your new place with the big move. It will help to label all of your boxes and create a basic inventory of what you have. Even if it is a simple count of how many boxes you have along with big items that needed to be moved separately, you can use this list to make sure that everything made it to your new apartment before the movers leave. Some moving companies will offer this service to you as a way to do their own due diligence to ensure that everything made it.

In addition, Don't make the mistake of having the movers leave everything in the middle of you living room. A little bit of planning can ensure that more care is taken to get everything in its right place. Instead of marking boxes with the room they came from at your old place, label them with the room they are going into at your new place. It will help guide your movers to which room each box belongs to, which will help you get unpacked faster. For example, you'll appreciate having your box of bathroom toiletries already in the bathroom once you are starting to unpack. For more information, contact companies like Cusick Moving & Storage.
